Tuesday, July 17, 2007

From the Lust of Heat

That sucks you can't tab... well the maniquins hae descended upon me as of the current time. They are in the mist of a homiscidal smirk that screams Marsha.

Outside the thwapping rain of insects comes to melike a bitter grimace on new years day. Well i gues we can begin this tale from within the tale. I first located the preciouse Hunter S. Thompson beer, but then I was able to aprehend a few on the beach. Then that rgowjWOghjerophegr90grsn nbegruw90grwn stonedmiop'RGHWnSVnjimp'kSDGdd nI{Q@@Q

I just killed my bro's computer>...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my grandmother used to want to marry hunter s thompson...
